Wednesday, March 18, 2009


I also discovered something about myself that I've realized before, but never to this extent. I quite often, don't believe I am good enough. I recognize that this is true, as I have fallen short of God. However, He claims that when I am weak, He is strong. And I know that He did not make me weak, and that I should not fear anything but Him.
I realize that I do though. I fear what others will say about my work, and i am able to only share my thoughts when I feel comfortable. I don't feel comfortable, or entitled, or able to share my opinion as a WASP. I'm the majority of everything. Completely "normal." 6 foot.
And even without that stuff, I think my opinion isn't valid. I believe that is a lie that God is really trying to work against. That I need to be comfortable with who I am, and in who He is. That I can really be confident in Him.
I really have to work on that. or let Him work in that. I think its out of my inability to accept a compliment, or accept love.

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