Thursday, March 19, 2009


Great talk at the EDGE tonight. It was really cool to see something in the Christian perspective again. I like studying the book of Genesis in a secular manner, because people aren't afraid to point out weaknesses. But then if you are pessimistic or doubtful about everything, you can miss stuff. In the Garden of Eden, after Adam and Eve ate of the fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, God calls out "Where are you?" in our class, we interpreted things as though God was either genuinely unsure, or that He was trying somehow to coax/trick Adam. however, tonight I heard that it might very well have been His concern for His creation.
This still doesn't explain some of the things we discovered, but it is really interesting. the next question I had is why is mankind really banned from the Garden. It seems like God just wants to prevent us from being like Him by preventing us from eating of the Tree of Life. Same thing with the tower of Babel; things sorta seem confusing. the only evidence I can procure from that situation is the fact that the people want to "make a name for themselves." Still, God's reasoning is to break us apart and confuse man, so that we cannot do anything. Why does He do that? Is He afraid? Is there something better? Are we allowed to know? It seems like He is purposely setting up such divisions.
More to summarize from Montag, but for now, time for bed.

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