Thursday, May 20, 2010

Happenings in Arizona

What did we expect?
Alright, so, I'll sum up a few of the positions. I have been listening to people's perspectives on the happenings in Arizona, and I think I have come to an understanding, but let us have a good conversation about it. This is just an introduction to my perspective.
The government has no choice but to enact something like that. According to the state, there are illegal immigrants all over the place, and being illegal, that means our government must enact legislation to counter their presence. America is nice, but in this regard, it is certainly not a Christian nation. I understand the need for regulation and such, but I think many of the people would be willing to pay taxes. Hell, if they are willing to endure persecution and sneaking over the border and all that stuff, they'd probably be ok with taxes if they could hold a legal job. So either America makes a way for them to be legal or we enforce the illegality of their presence. (Oxy folks, please excuse my use of the words them, their, etc...I know its alienating, but...thats the best I can come up with right forgive me) I have a friend who it took 20 years to get citizenship. A little bit of a long time. Kinda ridiculous to expect people to make it through that process when they obviously need a job/food/etc now. Bracero program could be re-established. Or Arizona is acting in a legitimate way...for a government of this world.
I think it is fairly clear that as a Christian, our kingdom is not defined by anything more than our humanity. If it is that bad in Mexico, or wherever, to endure so many things to get here, its probably something we should be consciously helping with. Are we supposed to pledge allegiance to the US? I'm not sure. But I know we have pledged allegiance to Jesus, and His Kingdom tells us to love. As humans, we love to find things that divide, like which side of the border you were born on. How about we let ourselves be united by our humanity and our abilities to be neighbors to one another. And it is so easy to hate the other.
As Christians, this should be a clear warning that our government is not, should not, and cannot be where our hope resides.


Latino Gamer said...

I wish I could remember more clearly a bible study from LaFe '07 that basically said that the Christian thing to do is be hospitable to immigrants as you would be to a visitor in your home.

Another part of the whole immigration thing that's annoying as far as what I've read from the Mexican perspective is that the US/border patrol is keeping Mexicans out of land that was unethically taken from Mexico. Going back further before times of American borders, it's believed that the location indigenous Mexicans (Aztecs/Mexica) originated from is in that very land, somewhere near Arizona/New Mexico. We are descendants of these peoples just as we are descendants of the Spanish.

For the record, my parents have been here 30+ years and only in the past couple years received their citizenship.

Unknown said...

Well, if we're judging based on where we started...everything would be a jumble. People have traded lands so many times. And I guess the better question is...who is the rightful owner? I think if our answer is anything other than God, we might need to re-look at things.