Sunday, January 18, 2009

I've been thinking....

a dangerous pastime, I know.
Haha for Gaston.

Sometimes thinking is bad, sometimes mulling over things, not so bad. I've been sort of having thoughts about God and what He means in this world. I've just been wondering, as I try to talk to my parents, sister, brother, family, and people in the world, how is the God I follow different. If they've made it this far without, why do they need or want Him?
I've been thinking about ways that He is present in the world, and been having some doubts. I was beginning to buy into some thoughts that the world had to offer. Something inspired a new thought though the other day. It all depends on the way you look at the world. Either you can look around and see God's presence in the world, or you can see why people would believe there is a God. Now the second part sounds pretty good until it is extrapolated upon. If you can believe that there is a God, some are bound to come to the conclusion that it is made up. That you look at the world and see beauty, and either believe in a God, or could see how people could think there was a God. It makes sense in my head. I just had to get part of that thought out...I'll be thinking on it and developing the logic further.
I wish I weren't so forgetful. Sigh.

1 comment:

Lauren said...

What is his name? Naboo? Namoo? Lamoo?

Anyway, those are interesting thoughts and questions. I'd be interested in talking more about this with you if you're interested...